Installing In-ground Well Lights for Landscape Lighting  

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    Recessed uplighting fixtures are perfect for illuminating architecture and encouraging safety, but they can also be a hassle to install without proper forethought. Though you may have perfected your own strategy, this step-by-step guide on how to install in-ground well lights inground well lights might provide you some useful time-saving tips.  

    Supplies Needed 

      • Post hole digger 

      • Measuring tape  

      • Rake  

      • Pea gravel  

      • Mulch  

      • PVC sleeve (4-inch diameter)  

      • Torpedo level  

      • Garden hoe  

      • Dirt tamper  

      • Screwdriver 

      • Power drill  

    How to Install In-ground Well Lights for Landscape Lighting  

    Preparing the Hole

    1. Using a rake, clear the mulch from the well light installation area. For best results, try to center the fixture evenly between the outside edge of the wall and a windowsill. Measure approximately 12 inches from the wall and place a marker of some sort in the ground to indicate the center of the light fixture.  

    1. Dig a hole where the light fixture is going to be placed. Though a shovel will do the job, a post hole digger is designed for this action as it leaves you with a neater hole and an easier time getting the dirt out of the bottom. For areas with heavy, moisture-retaining clay soil, dig the hole at least 10 to 12 inches deep.  

    1. Feed the wire through a section of PVC sleeve pipe (4-inch outside diameter x 10-12 inches long) and position the body of the light inside. When this is in the ground, the light will sit flush and steady, leaving it little-to-no chance of getting knocked out of place.  

    Positioning the Fixture  

    1. With the cable tucked inside the pipe, place it in the hole. Leave the sleeve pipe standing pipe is about 3 inches above the surrounding soil to provide ample room for mulch. 

    1. With recessed in-ground fixtures, we recommend using pea gravel to mitigate water from around the light as pea gravel provides a stable run off destination. Back-fill and pack the pea gravel around the pipe sleeve to steady and secure it in place. Use a small torpedo level to level the sleeve pipe in position.  

    1. Connect the fixture to the lead wire that is inside the sleeve and tuck everything back inside. Once the sleeve is completely packed, test fit the fixture to the sleeve height.  

    1. With the fixture in place, spread a gentle amount of soil around the fixture with a garden hoe and decisively tamp it into place. In case the tamping jostled the fixture slightly out of place, it’s best to do a final level check, making any necessary slight adjustments.   

    1. With the fixture standing a good 3 inches out of the ground, it’ll now sit level with the mulch when it’s backfilled.  

    Installing the Fixture 

      1. Now it’s time to install the light. With the screws loosened, remove the top and rubber seal below it together, making sure not to get any dirt or grit on the gasket seal. Insert your choice of lamp and, if the fixture allows, adjust the fixture angle.  


      1. With the fixture open, take a screwdriver to verify the screws that balance the socket assembly in place are confidently set. 


    1. Replace the top on the fixture. Be sure that the seal between the fixture body and the top rubber gasket seal is rid of all dirt and debris. Line up the screws over their holes and begin to subtly screw them down in a place about ¾ of the way. Use an alternating or opposing pattern (a “star pattern”) so that the top gets screwed down evenly. Without over-tightening, use a screwdriver to manually fix them into place.  

    For further information on how to install landscape lighting in-ground lights, contact our professional in-house Customer Service department to shed some light.   

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